Looking for the contact information of TOP decision-makers? Well, you can now find it on Zauba Corp using Mr E tool!
First of all, what is Zaubacorp?
"Zaubacorp is an online platform that provides information on companies registered in India. It offers a range of data, including company profiles, financial statements, director details, and charges. The platform uses data from various government agencies and is commonly used by professionals for due diligence, compliance, and research purposes."
Note: Only Users with Plans - Annual Growth or higher can use Mr. E tool on Zauba Corp.
Here's how you can access this platform with Mr E tool:
1. Visit the Zaubacorp website.
2. You will see the homepage of the website below:
Following are the ways you can search for your ideal prospects:
Company Name or CIN: You can search a company by typing in the Registered name for that company or CIN (Company's Incorporation Number) in the search bar.
Director Name or DIN: Similarly you can search using a particular Director's name or DIN (Director's Identification Number).
Trademark: You can look for a trademark class based on the set(s) of Goods and Services you deal in.
Address: Address can also be used a search filter to target companies' people in particular geographies.
You can use Zaubacorp's own filters to get a companies list as per your requirements.
3. Once you are on the profile page of a company, you will find Mr E icon on the left hand side of the window. Click the icon to view the details of the Directors' contact details,
4. The list of Directors' in this company will be listed and you can click on the View button to get the contact number for that particular person.
1 contact = 1 credit utilised from your total balance.
6. The extension will provide you a list of names. You can click on “View” to get the contact numbers. The extension work on both company and director pages.
This feature is only available on Annual Growth Plans or above, To avail this feature, kindly contact your Key Account Manager or support@easyleadz.com to activate your free trial for the tool
If you are already a paid user on Annual Growth Plan or above, and still not able to access the feature, please write to support@easyleadz.com/contact your Account Manager to get the feature activated :)