The Auto-renewal on Monthly subscription runs currently on 3 Monthly plans:
Monthly Startup
Monthly Scaleup
Monthly Growth
If you purchase any of these above plans, your subscription will be subject to auto-renewal, and the corresponding amount will be automatically debited from the payment mode attached to your account.
To ensure that you're aware of the upcoming renewal, our Payments partner will send an email and message to your registered email ID and phone number before the next deduction. This notification will give you ample time to make any necessary changes to your subscription or payment method, if needed.
The renewal would happen automatically and your unused credits (if any) will be carried forward to the new balance of credits.
What if I don't want to renew?
We've got you covered! We understand that you may not require the plan on a continuous basis. You always have an option to cancel your upcoming subscription and stop the auto-deduction for the next cycle.
Kindly Note -
In this case, your credit balance can be utilised till the last date of your subscription and since you've decided not to continue with the next plan, you unused credits (if any) will lapse. Kindly make sure to utilise those in time.
To cancel your upcoming subscription, you can simply visit - cancel the subscription.
If after cancelling for a subscription, you change your mind and want to continue -
You can always resubscribe on the same plan on or before your last date of the ongoing plan. The credits in this case will be carried forward. If in case the balance doesn't add up, kindly reach out to